Friday, June 24, 2016

Year Two in Review

Well we've done it. We have met the minimum requirements of our original contract. When we first agreed to move to Ecuador, we had no idea what to expect in terms of culture, school, city, language, or anything else. But in an effort to pursue adventure and experiences for each other, we signed on for two years. It was hard at times, but we completed our initial commitment. Now we're signing on for an additional year.

A lot has happened this year. Trips to the beach with friends, hiking trips through the soggy Paramo and the even soggier living room of our apartment, a move, trips to other countries, and a wedding to plan for.

It's been a good year and a busy year. We haven't posted as much this past year due to the fact that in year one so many experience were novelty differences and firsts, while this past year has been about making this strange new place our home. It became a year focused on developing routines and exploring more of the country.

We came in to Quito in a new teacher class of about 25 teachers, and having also fulfilled their required contract commitments, most of them are leaving to go back to the states, or to go to new countries. We're going to miss them and we are thankful for the experience they gave us. We are thankful for the opportunities to share meals, holidays, struggles, and adventures. As we continue our own adventures moving forward, we will always be appreciative of those we shared with our departing teachers. Turnover is a part of the whole international teaching experience. While having our friends we've met as neighbors is a fleeting experience, long term friendships will continue with them.

This summer we have a few things happening. We are going to be a little bit busy. We will update the site as we can but in the meantime it's time to close the book on year two in Quito.

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