Monday, June 15, 2015

Blue Box of Comfort

Certain foods will always remind us of home and give us that warm, contented feeling. I’ve come to grasp that this year when I realize there are foods that just aren’t available here, or if they are they’re imported and extremely expensive, or they’re a knockoff brand and just aren’t as good as the original. Take Oreos for example. I’ve never like Oreos. I’ve always shunned them as a cookie choice but Oreos are all over the place here. And I see them and go “Aww, Oreos! Just like at home!” And I have probably eaten about a dozen mini-packs of Oreos this year. I think it’s totally an emotional fix. Popular candy bars like Snickers, Twix, and Reese’s Cups are available here – in certain posh tiendas, for $2.50 each. So if you really want an American candy bar fix, it’s available to you, at a premium.
So Happy!!!
 But one of my most treasured comfort foods of all time is Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. I know, it’s disgusting. But there is something about that little envelope of orange powdered cheese that just makes me feel happy and full and safe. It probably has something to do with the fact that this was pretty much a staple lunch during the summers of my childhood. Parents are at work for the day + kids left to make their own meals = mac & cheese. Were there other options in the pantry? Of course. But mac & cheese is easy, it’s ready in 10 minutes, and it’s always delicious. ALWAYS.

Sadly, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese is one of the American junk foods that didn’t make the import cut. It’s unavailable here. Sure, there are other brands of macaroni and cheese. Dubious imposters all of them! I have tried all three brands available here and none of them can hold a candle to my treasured Blue Box.

Flash forward a few months. Justin and I are with my family in New Jersey to mourn the passing of my beloved Aunt Bette. And it was during this time when I finally got to meet my second cousin, Ann. Conversation turns to our experiences in Ecuador and what we miss about home, etc. Naturally food comes up. So I mention how much I miss Kraft Mac & Cheese (or KMC as it will now be referred to). Well of course she is understandably horrified and teases me for liking such a processed, junky food. She jokes about shipping me a box of KMC down to Ecuador. I explained to her how unreliable the mail system is, and that it’s a long shot and I may never get the package.

Well Ann takes this a challenge and decides she’s going to mail me a box of KMC. And sure enough! I got it! The package was post-marked April 23rd. It arrived to my school on May 19th. The postage required to mail a single box of KMC was $14.30!!!!! But by golly, she did it! And I got the package! What a sweetheart! I was elated to shake the package and hear the dry little elbow noodles moving around. The box was a little smashed up and some of the noodles had escaped the box and were loose inside the envelope. But I didn’t care, I gleefully brought my package home from school that day.

I waited for the right moment to enjoy my treat. Unable to decide on a proper wine pairing, I treated myself to an imported Stella beer ($3 for the single bottle). The perfect Saturday afternoon arrived. I cooked up my KMC, cracked open my Stella, found some old reruns of CSI on the TV and sat down to a lovely, comforting meal. And for that afternoon, I felt like I was at home again. THANKS ANN!!

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