Sunday, October 26, 2014

Football Sundays

It's been a little longer than I anticipated between posts. Things have been going well and we are settling in nicely. There was so much change and excitement for the first few months we got here that it has been nice to have a routine a little bit.

In the past few weeks, we both got a little stomach bug from some stuff we ate but that's no big deal. We outfitted out patio area with some nice bamboo plants to make a hedge, an orange tree, and a lime tree so that will be nice when I get my grill finally. Shannon hosted a ladies night at our house and I hear it went well. You couldn't have paid me enough money to hang around while 12 of our female coworkers drank wine and laughed loudly.

Part of the nice thing about a routine is a level of comfort. We were actually able to find a few NFL games on Sundays and that has been one of the best parts of our weekly routine. (When I say our routine I mean I watch football and Shannon reads while in the same room) Last weekend we hosted a football Sunday get together and had a few expats join us. The games are live, so I don't have to wait to watch them and the play by play being in Spanish has helped me develop my own vocabulary. It is always great and unexpected when you hear things like Tony RRRRRRRRRRRRRRomo (rolling r) por seis puntossssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss! The enthusiasm is very much like the soccer games they televise.

We have quite a few adventures coming up personally, professionally, financially, and involving family and friends so there will be some interesting things to discuss. In the meantime, thanks for following what we're up to and as always, keep the comments coming. We love rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreading them. (rolling r)

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