With only three weeks remaining before our departure, Justin
and I began working on our United States bucket lists. Not surprisingly, a good
portion of these items were food-related. Justin’s requests included: a juicy
cheeseburger, pizza from a “mom and pop” place, Mexican food, a Pat’s Steaks cheesesteak,
and one final meal at his favorite restaurant – Cajun Café on the Bayou down in
Pinellas Park. My last food request was simply: a Wendy’s spicy chicken sandwich,
and ice dream from Chic-Fil-A. Other must-haves on our bucket lists: attend a
Phillies game (Justin), have a pampered, bougie day at a luxurious pool (both
of us), one more visit to Miami (me,) make a few more trips to the beach (both
of us).
We smashed a bunch of these things into one plush, fabulous
week. We started by driving down to Tampa for an indulgent lunch at Cajun Café.
Justin ordered the catfish po’boy with fried okra, and I had fried green
tomatoes, and the shrimp creole with French bread. We washed this down with a
few Founders Centennial IPAs and for dessert: the whisky bread pudding – always
a nonnegotiable. (Cajun Café – check!)

Once we were done with the west coast we headed down to south
Florida for one last visit (Miami – check!) And wouldn’t you know, it happened
to be Miami Spa Month. Happy Day! Meagan booked us an Asian fusion couples
massage at the Setai on South Beach. Justin has never had the pleasure of
having a professional massage and I told him he was in for a treat. However we
were both equally surprised when we were
introduced to our male masseurs. Let’s just say it’s a little hard to fully
unplug and enjoy your own massage when you’re listening to the one going on
right next to your head. Of further distraction were the frequent, throaty
ujjayi breaths coming from Justin’s masseuse. I found the whole situation so
silly I was muffling my giggles in the face pad for the first 40 minutes of the
experience. Then, when we had flipped to our fronts and had our tummies rubbed
(our tummies!) I nearly lost it. Later, when the four of us had reconvened for
some cocktails, I asked Justin what he thought of his first massage. “It was
okay” he said. “Parts of it were…weird. Did any of you guys get your face
cupped for like, a solid two minutes?” With wide eyes we all shook our heads
that, no, none of us had the side of our face cupped in the hand of the
masseuse for any extended period of time. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to
talk Justin into getting another massage, but I was impressed by his sense of
humor and was relieved he was such a good sport about it – heavy breathing,
face cupping and all.
In our last week we were honored with a farewell party
hosted by the renowned Meg and Chappetta. They set up a pasta bar and Kevin
made all the delicious sauces – alfredo, vodka, and marinara by scratch. Yum! We
brought Howie with us (of course) and he got to sample the meatballs. For dessert,
Meg made homemade key lime and strawberry gelato (what CAN’T that girl make?!),
and we enjoyed a few boisterous rounds of Cards Against Humanity and an
animated tournament of Heads Up. (PUDDING POPS!!!!!) And my most favorite
thing, that little special touch that Chappetta is always so good at – she
decorated the entire house with photos from our last 3 years as friends and as
teachers at Freedom Middle School. Title I nights, AR Recognition ice cream
socials, teacher paintball outings, field trips, all documented for us in
photos. We got to take the photos home with us and I was so happy to have such
a sweet souvenir to take with us on our travels. Justin and I were the last to
leave. It was 1:30 am!! Do you know how late that is in teacher time?! It’s
virtually unheard of. It was sad to have to say goodbye but we both left
feeling so loved and so grateful to have such generous, loving friends.
Our next few days involved a lot of packing, unpacking,
weighing suitcases, repacking and reweighing suitcases – a dance I named the
Suitcase Shuffle. After days of suitcase shuffling, we were able to get all of
our things packed into our allotment of two check bags each, each weighing it
at about 46 pounds – just four pounds short of the maximum weight allowed. Once
again, I’d like to give a shot out to Space Bags for allowing us to shrink
piles of clothes, towels, and pillows into neat little bricks. Seriously, Space
Bags are amazing.
We'll check in when we get to Quito and get internet again.
I laughed. I cried. Can't wait to read the first update from Quito. xoxo Kelly